
Ashton participated in Nothing but Light project, but after a lot of thought they decided they aren't ready to share the photos.

"i have written a few different variations of a statement but haven't really felt great about what i have to say. i have been incredibly depressed and all i can come up with is hatred and shame for my body and sad woe is me things to say about my state. i will continue to work on but it is part of this slow process i am in the middle of. i wish i could accept this vessel i am living in and be part of this idea of 'light' and write beautiful eloquent things like all of the other participants. i have also given a lot of thought to the idea of consent. would i be giving my consent right now for my picture/statement to be posted because i truly am ready or because i don't want to disappoint? because i don't want to feel like i have taken up space that maybe could have been better utilized by someone else? i tend to be a person who will completely bend over backwards and ignore my own needs/desires to make sure i am not making people upset with me. i need to make sure my reason for giving consent is 100% because it is what i want. i absolutely want to be included in the project but i realized that right now i really don't feel safe being vulnerable in such a public way. i really appreciate #nothingbutlight bringing this all up for me, it's been quite a success to be able to identify my feelings and to create consciousness around my behavior/reactions. "